So I've decided to to try out the Slackware linux distro, but boy am I having trouble right off the bat.

If you go to the official slackware site, the versions they have available for download are at various ftp and http mirror sites. Once at the site , all that one finds is a list of links, some with readme texts others with binary files and such.

First issue I'm having is this; how do I decide on which files I need eg. bare.i for booting and then kernel, software files and so on? My initial goal is simply to learn linux better and eventually to be able to install and start using asterisk to build PBX's. I know thats a long way off but I have to start somewhere.

I'd like to make a bootable cdrom of slackware but I have no idea how to do this from my linux box and so far the documentation I've found is either geared for making bootable floppies or they simply say 'to boot from a cdrom, simply set your computer to boot from cd and insert the disk.' Well if I want to burn my own iso's onto a bootable cd that advice doesnt help much.

This is a rather involved question so I thank you all in advance for any and all help.

"It is what it is." R.R.