Same issue on 8100 viewmail but after cleaning the registry and deleting the Nec folder in the Programs folder, you can do a fresh install at that point and it usally works, I think its a security update or a office uodate that alters the dat file or what ever file that is, that they want you to delete at the end of the install. I went round and round about this with the customer at one of our installs, The View Mail doesnt work like other UMS ,either it downloads automatically or you have to select download when you get the vmail attachment.If we use the Viewmail option we set it to notify via email but it doesnt pull it off of the phone until you select to download message from the email you get,that way they still have the MW blinking on the phone. You could use the SMTP account setup but you will have to double the work , listen to message on the Phone and the Email,What is nice about the SMTP setup is you dont have to have Outlook up and running just to get the VoiceMail.
You have to use PUtty to login to the Voicemail and setup your Post office first, there is a little bit of work to be done there but after that its easy.Just put in the email address in the Subscribers field.
Upgrade to the 8100 and the UM8000 VM is the same as the Linux except a ton of more feature, The Voicemail you have has MailBox Manager but you cant listen to your messages on that one the UM8000 is a nice user friendly Voicemail with some CTI Apps.

I am the Big Ham and I approve this message.