I have searching the net for a clue that tell me if this card is compatible.

In ebay the card is anounced as:

"Manufacturer NEC
Model VMS-F(4)-20
Stock 792010
Full Digital Integration The ElectraMail AD8 is digitally linked inside your NEC Electra Professional Level II and IIA. This customized digital integration ensures accurate message-taking, reliable message lights and message delivery. It also means the ElectraMail AD8 is easy to install and maintain. The speed and accuracy of digital integration enables the ElectraMail AD8 to save user time by moving quickly through the system, connecting users directly to their voice mail to retrieve messages instead of having to access a main voice mail greeting first. This direct connect capability ultimately lessens the load on your telephone system. 4 Port Voice Mail for Electra Professional II / 120"

This means that this card does not need to be assigned because is 'digitally linked inside' ?

Or is my firmware outdated and does not have listed the vms card as an assignment option?

Or... is this card really not compatible for the Electra Pro Lev.II?

This are my lasts questions before push the card in the slot -and lost my job if the system broke :`( -

Well.. lets have some fun [Linked Image from sundance-communications.com]
