Hi everyone I'm new to this site but I'm not new to the Vodavi phone systems. I have a Starplus Sts 3500 system that I have been fighting with for over 3 weeks but have owned for many years and tinkered with. I can't go back to the original installer because he unexpectally passed away last year and noone else in a 100 mile radius deals with Vodavi.

Anyway here is the problem. One of my employees was power washing the walls 3 wks ago and fried the board on our original 3500 system. I lucked out and found a used 3500 system that came with two phones(which i needed because two of mine were not working properly) This used system did not have the voicemail card and the other card but i just figured i could swap it out. All works but my voicesystem does not pickup at all, I could get half phones to get caller ID, and for some reason each one of my phones seems to have a different settings than before on the flex buttons. I spent 3 hours trying to go through and sort but finally gave up and reset the main system.(which was my latest brillant idea)

Now I have 7 Starplus Sts phones that show this on the display and act dead.

LKD-24D V0.6H

I think i may need to reintialize the system or something.(I picked that up from the site before I join ). I am really in a jam here. I cannot leave tonight until i figure this out. We average 75 to 100 calls/day and i can't afford to have any more time down if possible.

If anyone can please help I'd be very grateful to you and this site.
