Sorry, got pulled to something else. My thing is the network and I do most of that remotely. So here's their answers to my questions.

Does it mean that they pick up the phone and there is no dialtone?

or are they talking and the call just hangs up? Yes

Or do they dial and then nothing happens?
Yes. Sometimes the display says: "Call Abandoned"

Does it always happen on outbound calls or inbound? Both

Does it happen both?

Is it always the same at each site or does the problem present differently at each site? Each site is the same. They all exhibit the behavior of all these symptoms.

Each call?
No. Random. Sometimes 5 in a row, sometimes hours between them. 8:00 - 9:00 seems to be the worst. Massive phone/data volume at that time.

Also, does anyone have an answer to the DO call questions *below?
Yes. The same as the other sites. Inbound and Outbound, 4-digit and
*The DO?! Are these always calls out to the other sites? Or just normal calls?

Lines are all T1s muxed out of a T3 with an Adtran 830 (I replaced the old 800, to no avail).
Qwest has 'tested' the lines, at least at the DO. I've suggested they ask that both ends be tested, they hadn't thought of that!
I'm told the trunks (4) are PRIs and see that in the Adtran.
Most of the other lines are data T1s to the sites, which work well. On a handful of these they are still muxing voice on a couple of channels and oddly enough these sites are low-to-no on the drops! The rest of the sites are connecting using the BIPU--Q1A-R(the 'Q1' is hand-written), which I understand to be the Qsig version? Even stranger, one of the 4 cards is marked with 'M2' in the hand-written part? But there are no IP phones, so I am told.

On the network side, I've garaunteed 500K for traffic coming from the IPs addys of the BIPUs. The routers at the far end don't have that ability, so it's from DO to remotes. They highest I've caught so far is 300K.
I haven't heard if it made any difference but I'm not expecting it.

Everyone's giving great info. Thanks a million.