I started burn-in in the early '80's and have NEVER regretted the time spent. I set up test benches for every system we installed at every place I worked over the years and I think it paid off. With a little thought, you don't have to use a zillion jacks and blocks. Usually you can trick-wire 25 pair cables to use the same jacks for several different systems. Land the jacks on one side of a 66B block and with thought you can use a connectorized cable for each system you install. JUST REMEMBER TO REMOVE ALL THE PHONES AND THE CABINET(S) FROM 1 SYSTEM BEFORE YOU START ON THE NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND LABEL THE CONNECTORIZED CABLES FOR THE SYSTEM(S) THEY ARE FOR!

When I was young, I was Liberal. As I aged and wised up, I became Conservative. Now that I'm old, I have settled on Curmudgeon.