Sorry, I got us off topic and never really answered the question.

No, I don't think that VoIP is an attempt to steal phone tech work. I am a CG with a fair amount of experience with telecom as well. VoIP is gaining ground because it is technically possible, it has acceptable voice quality to most people (that's where I was going with my cell comment) and it can save money in some cases.

Many companies now place telecom staff in the IT department. The company that I work for is just one example, but there isn't another IT/CG at any site in North America that knows more than an average consumer about phone lines, let alone phone systems, paging equipment, and other telecom peripherals.

On the other hand, we have lots of IT/CG types that know about networks. They make up the bulk of the department outnumbering the telecom staff 10 to 1. The head of the department started off as a CG. When they look for solutions they look at what is familiar. You have probably heard the old expression: If the only tool you have is a hammer then all of your problems start to look like nails.

There is no conspiracy here, just a reaction to circumstances that guides people in that direction.