Originally posted by rich30529:
Welcome to the board welcome

Could you please clarify what you mean by system answer (SA). The AA (auto-attendant) should be set to a pre-determined number of ringss. After the AA answers a CCR will play, if one is programmed.

i was under the impression that SA and CCR were two differnt 'things' under AA. for example, when i go into F*xxxxxx > System Programming > AA > there is a choice for SA and CCR and both are enabled as i posted previously...


The 7316e is the model of telephone on your desk. The 7316e will work on many Norstar systems.

The CP100 is the voicemail system you have,

Do you know what type of phone system you have? Is it a CICS, MICS, BCM? Also, if you could find out the software level of the system, that would be helpful.

If you need help to identify the type of system you have, you may contact any of the Moderators of this forum for assistance.
i have absolutely NO clue what kind of phone system it is.. i didnt even know there were so many types. if you could tell me how to find out i'd be able to get that info to you first thing tomorrow morning.

thanks again rich for being so helpful! i'll also be able to find out more specifically what my boss wants me to do with this phone system.