Well I have been hearing that 7.0 has bugs, and this could be another one.

The group pick-up is a workable solution.

If you absolutely have to have it the other way, you may be SOL.

The first version of 4.0 had bugs, the first version of 5.0 had T-1/PRI bugs, and you expect perfection on 7.0? Perfection comes after the second maintenance release but then you are almost ready for the next release.

Good luck, but I think you did everything right and the pick-up works, so at this moment you just need to find additional bugs and work around them.

We've had grafitti vandals spray this building down the street repeatedly at night and I cover it with grey paint (no gang has grey for a color) because I don't want it to spread to my building.

Tonight I got the bright idea of leaving piles of dog poo where they stand to spray. Now that will be their bug in the spray can release.

Cheers, Bunnie

THE Bracha, old blond specialist in Rube Goldberg solutions.