I know the dual-horn systems don't work, they squawk back in your ear during a page.
:confused: ??? On any talk back system, the entire zone goes to either transmit or receive. There should be no feedback. You can have many horns on a zone without trouble. Some systems (brands), only use 1 horn for the TB (mic) but respond back on all speakers in that zone. The only way you should get a squeal is a page from a phone that is within ear shot of a paging horn. There are various ways to solve this, but with TB, you are limited to moving the station or speaker.

Is this a new install or is the PCM2000 existing? The reason I am asking, I thought from your first post the equipment was already there and you are just reconfiguring it. From your second post it sounds like a new install and if you are looking at only one horn per area, the PCM2000 is not the most economical way to go. If this is the case, look at the smaller Bogen units or Valcom.