Man, I got a HEADACHE from this thread, gotta quit checking it!
3 questions;
1 How often do you reboot your Mitel system?
2 How often do you reboot your computer?
3 I assume ALL your certifications are computer hardware/software related. Never been to any phone system factory schools, have you?
How many of you phone techs have had to clean up the low $ techs' mess and then caught grief when you invoiced the customer, esp when the company insists on all certified computer techs and even HAS ONE ON THE PAYROLL?
But they can get by without their computer network for several days, but can't have their phones down for more than a couple of hours!
Who me, bitter? You betcha! John C.

When I was young, I was Liberal. As I aged and wised up, I became Conservative. Now that I'm old, I have settled on Curmudgeon.