Atcom offers a helpful comprehensive communications package, meaning that working with Atcom will remove the hassle of trying to organize your communications services. We provide custom quotations for new telephone systems at no charge, usually the same business day. Our experienced, professional sales staff can visit your location to review your wiring infrastructure and telephone needs. This means setting up your comprehensive communications system will be easier than you ever thought possible. Your installation is not considered complete until you sign off on satisfaction.
In a premise-based model the phone system resides at the customer’s premise. All phones connect to the phone system in the building. Atcom’s on-premise business phone systems include Avaya, and Nortel. An on-premise model is easy to transition – you can easily add onto a VoIP solution – and there is more control available to you and your IT department to maintain complete control over your network and applications.
In a Hosted PBX model, all your business’ phone lines exist in a data center. Then, all of the VoIP phones in the building are terminated by means of a network connection. Every handset is an IP-based handset with all talking back to the phone system, which is outside of your offices. Cloud-based systems are great for businesses with a busy IT department – or no IT department at all – and they enable cost-effective expansion and leveraging of virtual options. Atcom’s cloud phone systems include advanced features, and we are one of the few telephone companies able to supply and implement just about any model of SIP telephone on the marketplace.
Atcom will provide a working demo of the equipment – either at our office or yours!
You can schedule your appointment online using our booking calendar or call us at (403) 212-5276.
You can also submit your requirements using our Instant Quote Tool.
We provide custom quotations for new telephone systems at no charge, usually next business day. Our experienced, professional sales staff will visit your location to review your wiring infrastructure and telephone needs.