Thanks for the feedback guys.

The electrician installed the new dedicated circuit this morning. We have brought up the idea of using the monitoring equipment to the customer and they are reluctant to spend the money. I should point out that the reason the customer has not fired us is because we have not charged them for any of 30+ visits to try to resolve this issue. The customer wants us to prove that it is the phone system causing the problem and make it go away, which we've been unable to do. They don't want to spend any money on their own to research any other issues, i.e. AC power.

We checked the log on the two processors (the system and the stand alone) today. The system had reset twice this week. The stand alone has still only reset 1 time in total in over 3 weeks. An interesting twist is the last reset on the system had a 2008 date. All of the other resets have had the correct date. We verified that the system date was correct.