The system would ring out, then tell you it was going to record a message in the general mailbox. Changing the times the AA would ring didn't change anything, it still rings 6 times and then the nice lady would tell you about the general mailbox.

Yup-- see it all the time on the R3 with customers and I bet this happend after someone tried to change the main greeting and did not follow to the end of the script promts to save the ex to transfer to ex 10.

I bet they even recorded a second greeting in the general mailbox that everyone hears when they log into voice mail?

The R3 is a fifteen year old voice mail and funky for the customer to learn based on it's prompts.

I found it quite interesting only because I have a few of these old units still working on R6 and 7's.

AVAYA needs to bring back a new version of the stand alone R3 Partner mail. This would help make the system larger for those who never go IP.