Hi Folks!

Well, the time has come and I am having to relegate the 1A2 system to my office with the cordboard. The family wants caller-id, and that would be difficult to implement with the 1A2.

So I pulled out the Legend system from storage along with several MLX-10D phones.

I purchases a 408-GS/LS ID-MLX card and installed it in the system. All I get is "No Caller ID" on the phones.

So, after a little research it appears that in order to get caller id I need to be at R7.

My system is a CKE4 processor card running Legend R6.1 V11.0.

Here is my question:

If I upgrade the software to R7.0 I will get Caller-ID, but just single line.

If I upgrade to Magix I will get 2 line Caller-ID.

Am I correct with this?? Also, if I find a Magix Processor on the E place can I install it in a clamshell in the Legend?

Any help would be appreciated.
