If the power supply is a 391A1 or 391A2 (and marginally, the 391A3), then you're exceeding the Unit Load capacity with your board config. While technically these power supplies are for Legend, surely you could have a Magix 2.2 proc sitting in a clamshell in slot 1. By my calcs, the unit load in the first cabinet is 64.8, while the second is only 8.0

Is this a steel cabinet Magix? If so, then the previous warning doesn't apply.

Jack mentioned something about a storm, which complicates things a bit. Magix tends to be far less sensitive to static and ground faults than Partner does, but it's not infallable. I like Jack's "test it one at a time" approach. The customer's switch is gonna have to be your test lab for a minute.

Double check: Is this an 016T/R or an 016ETR? I just want to be sure.

Lastly, do not consider moving the 800DID module to the first carrier. If you ever had that thought, quench it now. Given the four 412TDL boards already there, it will give you fits.

"Press play and record at the same time" -- Tim Alberstein