I've been through this before and always seemed to make it work eventually. But always on my own computers. Making Element Manager work.

I have a customer that does their own speed dial and name changes themselves. They've been using EM on a Windows 7 pc. Service Pack 1, 64 bit. Up to date. In fact, it's the "up to date" part that has caused me a lot of head scratching. Customer apparently did a Java update and now EM gives an error message "Detector 'BCMDetector' cannot determine the device type for [ip]".

I've followed all the suggestions here and other places about getting the correct version of Java and it will work. However, I haven't been lucky enough to get the right version yet.

Is it really just a matter of the right Java for the particular Windows and EM versions? Seems like a needle in a haystack to me at this time.
