It seems you are not giving us enough and correct info.
At first I thought it was 3 lines but now you are talking 2 lines.
You also wanted different rings counts on each line but now you want one line to go to the mailbox right away.

I keep having all these idea's running through my head and even tested some for the last 2 hours but what good is any of it to post with out getting the right info.

So how about we get these questions below answered (in one post) so we understand the setup that we have been asking for.

-How many lines are we dealing with?
-Which company has which lines?
-Which company has which DN or DN's?
-Which line is to be answered with what ring count?
-What lines are assigned to which DN's (specify which lines Appear & Ring or Appear Only at which sets)
-Are they to answer each others lines if they hear them ring?
-Is it an open office where they see each other or down the hall from each other?
-Why the different ring counts? Examples -one have Arthritis and the other Rheumatoid Arthritis? one's phone further away on the desk than the other? one persons has delayed hearing?

Knowing why helps here. Example Line 1 answer in 1 ring because that person is superman and can answer at the speed of light before it goes to vmail.

The only advantage I can see with Callpilot is to have Path 0 set as a Mailbox Node.

Using an ATA or the built in IATA might come in handy based on info provided.

:"Will that make her shut up?"

If all else fails and cannot be resolved I strongly recommend Duct Tape....for both of them.

You and all the other telconerds here have a great holiday!


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Toronto, Canada