Hi,I need help in my upgrade from a Merlin II to Merlin Legend. Two questions. (1) I'm looking at Processor cards on eBay, and bought one that said it would work on either a Legend or Magix - model 617R33-KML w/ CKE5. When I plug in the System programming phone, its dead. The MLX phones work when plugged into the 408 MLX w/ ID, but the ATLs don't. From what I can find, it is not backwards compatible to the Legend. I've located another card on ebay, but I can't tell the release or processor level - LEGEND PROCESSOR 517H33 108004573 MODULE. The Legend is for a residence, so I'm only using ATL and 4 MLX phones for caller ID, and 016 Basic set cards, acting as a Key system. Given this, what is the minimum Processor I can use and how to identify? My 2nd question is the 016 card w/ ring gen. And special requirements to use this for single line sets? I've read countless documents on the Legend, but can't find these answers, and no mention of a 016 card (only 012). I'm using the right cards for the MLX and ATL phones, with the MLS card in the 1st slot after the processor. Thanks for any insight! Jim