We currently have a MICS w/ a CP 150 hanging off of it that has a call flow of PSTN --> MICS --> AA --> receptionist (0). The director requested a change where all calls go directly to receptionist and if she doesn't answer the calls go to a day greeting. At night another greeting is to play. No intervention is wanted from the caller before the call gets to the receptionist. I had originally thought about using a CCR for the redirect but then realized it would still require a key to be pressed.

The solution that I came up w/ was to have all the lines A+R on the receptionist phone and set the day greeting to be the greeting for that extensions VM. At night have the receptionist do a CFA to another extension, which would CFA to VM, whose greeting is the night extension. Just wondering if there is a better way to do this that will not require the end users to turn CFA on/off every night?

I haven't done the Nortel stuff for us in years since we made the jump to Cisco VOIP so trying to remember what I can and get a solution going.