Hi all,
I am trying to upgrade a customers software in his CICS from v4.0 to v6.1. I backed up his system programming with a FastRAD, unplugged his lines, removed power from the CICS, replaced the software card, powered the unit back up, and plugged the lines back in. The sets came up fine, and retained most of the programming (looks like everything except speeddial). Now, I read on another forum that to get his speeddials back, I need to restore the backup that I created, but when I try to connect I get an error that APF01ENG.MAP is not available. Could someone please tell me where I can find this file? I have searched throughout the MAPS directory, scoured the internet, and searched countless forums, but I cannot find a place to download it. I have also checked my Nortel CDs, still no luck. If someone could either give me this file, or a link to where it can be downloaded, I would be eternally greatful. Thanks.
