Got a customer that wants a boss/secretary forwarding set up, can't seem to get it working the way they want it.

The way it's supposed to work, if you call the boss and get BNA it rings the secretary, if the secretary is BNA it goes to MB303. If you call the secretary and get BNA, it goes to MB303.

Boss: PDN201 & PhDN301 in hunt group 2, SCF2 BNA to PDN202. MB201 set to DND.

Secretary: PDN202 & PhDN302 in hunt group 3, SCF3 BNA to PhDN303 (on 202, set to no ring & DND with VMID 303). MB202 set to DND.

PhDN303 SCF1 BNA to VM.

Mailbox 303 set to announce only & DND, gives menu "press 1 for MB201 or 2 for MB202".

System call forward cascade is enabled.

The way it's currently working - If you call the boss and get BNA it rings the secretary, if the secretary is BNA it goes to MB201(boss). If you call the secretary and get BNA, it goes to MB202(secretary). If you call PhDN303, it goes to MB303 and the menu gets you to the correct mailbox.

Does anyone know why it's not forwarding to PhDN303? :bang:

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