Hal, the cable guys will even give me jumpers and splittters if I ask nicely
Depending on the installer they send out that day, I've been given bags of fittings, splitters, amplifiers, even whole rolls of RG6. Some of them will barely give me the time of day.
Most of the time they are so impressed with the work I've done, and the fact that they had planned on spending a couple hours running cables to 4 receivers and a modem, only to find it's already been done for them - and better run than the way they would have done it, they are more than happy to open the van and let a few things "fall out".
They won't do any wire fishing, everything is always surface mounted, along baseboards, siding, floor joists, etc. I go in and fish everything so it looks like it was built that way, nice jacks in the walls, and a nice backboard for them to mount their splitters or amplifier to. They just make it live at the pole, install their splitter and run a few tests to make sure the signal is good and they get to have a long lunch hour. Most are more than happy to throw a few goodies at me for having all the PITA work done for them. And my customers/friends are happy they don't have black coax running up their white siding or along their baseboards. Everybody wins.