I see where you're going
but yeah, I did try programming it. But what's bugging me is, with nothing programmed on it, in either form 9 or form 1, if you view the active alarms, it shows there are NO alarms for the lines, trunks, or receivers - just the bay. The minor/major thresholds for everything is 0%/20%, except on the Bay alarm page, where it's all 0% and 100%. There's no way to adjust that fourth threshold setting. You can only adjust lines, trunks and receivers' thresholds.
Since it appears to be set by default to 0 and 100% for minor/major, I'm thinking I'm stuck. There isn't room for adjustment, cuz Major is already set at 100%. The only way would be to delete the bay from form 53, which then drops the other ports on the quad CIM. Is this just a design flaw??