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6X with latest
Also has ACD license, 10 9224, and 2 9212 IP sets of which 4 are remote. System is completely separate from the network, on it's own switch and static IP address. So there shouldn't be a LAN conflict. The system functions fine for 6 hours, losses connection, and must be restarted and all is well for another 6 hours. Keep getting errors in the event log prior to crash of "giving up trying to reach DNS server". Already had a tech go through programming and settings, and I had the SIP provider go through and change some SIP proxy settings, but no dice. Next step is to get a loaner 6X out there and see if it crashes every 6 hours too. If so it's a carrier issue, or config of the carrier settings. If not maybe bug in the sftw that hasn't been fixed, but I haven't heard this from anyone else. Or maybe a bad WAN port, but hard to believe a hardware issue would crash it every 6 hours to the minute. I was thinking this "6 hour exact" failure might help point to the problem, anyone else ever experience this? I'm leaning toward circuit issues, but have to prove it first... thanks in advance.

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Welcome to the forum.

1. Where are you located??
2. Where did you get the software from??
3. What software did you have before you upgraded??
4. How long have you had the 6x and where did you purchase it?
5. How long ago did you upgrade the 6x??

Last edited by JWRacedog; 06/13/13 08:32 PM.
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How many instances of "give up on trying to reach DNS Server" do you see in your event log? bunches and bunches....?


Bob Wells
WellComm, Inc.

"As long as nobody's dead or in jail, it can't be all that bad ! "
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1. Where are you located?? FL
2. Where did you get the software from?? enduser bought from his installer which was an authorized allworx distributor
3. What software did you have before you upgraded??
4. How long have you had the 6x and where did you purchase it? I got it as a trade in from a real estate agency and had it defaulted and sold to enduser
5. How long ago did you upgrade the 6x?? he upgraded about 3 weeks ago

How many instances of "give up on trying to reach DNS Server" do you see in your event log? bunches and bunches....?
Yes bunches and bunches.

Thanks for any input...

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Well, here's the deal. That version of software is a pre-production version and only to be used on the demo units that Allworx dealesrs (partners) purchase. We have our demo unit on a rack in our shop and use the pre-production versions to see what kind of bugs come up. With this version, they have introduced the Reach product, and we have been fooling around with it, to see how it's working and what "tweaks" we have to do to make it work good.

So, what I'm saying is---no customer should really have that version yet. We have been advised by our supplier and by Allworx to install the 7.4 software instead. Now we have gotten the upgrade key for several customers---but we have NOT installed the 7.5---we're waiting for an OK from Allworx.

Also---jumping from 7.1 to 7.5 is something that we would never do. Sometimes those large jumps work OK, but, again, Allworx and our supplier tech support recommend that we go in much smaller steps.

In a nutshell---somebody doesn't know what they are doing; or someone is trying to cut corners, or....I don't know what. I don't know if you can go back to a lower version, now---so you may be just screwed---!! I think you'd better get some good support tech to help you along with this---but the Allworx distributor seems to have some ignorance of some policy issues that have been in place from Allworx for some time, and Allworx tech support doesn't like to talk to end users very much, because they usually don't know what they'r doing. It's why I pay to train my guys and we all have Allworx certification tech numbers. It's the only way to go. You've got to be able to have support even if you install these things every week and work with them every day. You can't know everything---and these systems are great when they're treated with respect---when they're not---they're just pieces of plastic and solder.

It seems like the enduser is being cheated--IMHO---maybe by his own doing---or maybe he is a victim.

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Thanks so much for the input JWRacedog. I've been suspicious of this installer from the get go. 1 they told him the sftw upgrade license was only available for 1 year, and I'm pretty sure a 4 (or 5?) year extended upgrade license is available. 2 they charged him for 12-13 hours of tech support and didn't even fix the most basic issues for example: they had his call routing programmed in a way that he was super unhappy with. Like ACD was programmed to x100, and so was 0 for the operator to x100. The ACD que was set for 18000 seconds, with no way out. So calls automatically went to the ACD que, and sat there for 30 minutes. They did not instruct him that agents had to "log in" in order to pick up ACD calls, the main location and remote location's receptionists weren't even programmed to get "0 for operator" calls just went to general VM, if they didn't know an extension or back into the que. Internal MOH wasn't even turned on for the poor folks waiting for 30 minutes. etc... etc... it was a mess. I know there are different ways of doing thigs with different programmers but this seemed like "google programming" or 2nd install winging it, whatever you want to call it.
I have a buddy helping me remotly who reset all of this to more normal specs. EX: set ACD to x200, ACD que to 3 minutes, break in anouncments of que statis to 30 seconds, turned on internal MOH, hitting 0 took them to ext 150 which was set to ring both operators at the same time. He closed some ports he said he does in general to all boxes, he found the SIP proxy settings had a domain name where he said in his experience is always an IP address (But he did say in theory it should work either way) so we got the SIP providers IP and entered that with no issue during the 6 hour window, but system still crashed and required a reboot after 6 hours. So we finally got the service providers original spec sheet which had several SIP proxy settings that were listed that were not followed in the original install, so with them on the line we were walked through changing/correcting those. System still lost connection and required a reboot.
Anyway setting aside the installer issues, this info lets me know that besides carrier issues, sftw glitch issues might be present or a possible culprit. The big question I guess is going to be does the installers loaner 6x have older 7.3, or 7.4 stable sftw? Or will it be 7.5 as well? If it's 7.5 as well and issue goes away, I would know it's a problem with the original 6x box itself, if the issue stays it could still be carrier or sftw I wouldn't be any better off than now for moving forward.
If the loaner is say 7.4 and 6 hour crash keeps happening I know it's a carrier issue, if it goes away with 7.4 then it's either a sftw bug or the original 6X box has issues.
But I won't know till next week. I will post updates and results if/when I get them. Thanks again.

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Have your IT guy look for a dDos attack...that's why your DNS log is filling up like it is...So is your buffer and it's shutting down your 6x...it can't process all that data.

Bob Wells
WellComm, Inc.

"As long as nobody's dead or in jail, it can't be all that bad ! "
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OK, here's where I'm at now. Original installer brought out a loaner box at 5:10 last night (also 6 hours later we got over 2 hours of DNS errors “giving up on” which is the IP address Broadvox told us to enter. Employee's came in to blinking phones this morning, installer rebooted the phones, and it failed again another 6 hours later at lunch time. This time it had 150+ errors of “dropped incoming PPP frame on unt=0 due to workQ overflow” then several "giving up on" then it failed and had to be restarted again.

Installer brought in loaner box to show it was hardware failure, not the sftw. Said the 7.5 was in fact an Official release, and they had several customers running on it fine. Blamed the customer for buying a refurbished box, and chasing mis information on the internet. But now it seems even w/his hardware, it's still failing, so I'm still leaning toward a Broadvox issue. But since he used the same sftw, could be an unknown glitch possibly too? I'm going to have my tech log in and inspect things when I can, and also check out the dDos attack Wellco mentioned as well.
But for now I think my next step in the solution plan is to either bring over a 24X w/ If it's a sftw issue, it should run fine. Or I also can bring over an IP Office and a laptop and monitor the Broadvox service from that over a weekend maybe and see if I get SIP service issues there or not. I know for a fact if this was an IP Office failing after X number of hours like clockwork, it would be due to a demo license being passed of as a legit license, but I have no idea if Allworx works like that with licenses.
Troubleshooting can be a slow process of elimination sometimes.

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Stick your laptop on it with "Wireshark" should show you exactly what is going on with the network....


Bob Wells
WellComm, Inc.

"As long as nobody's dead or in jail, it can't be all that bad ! "
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I think you're right on, Bob.

I would like to emphasize a point, though. We are upgrading a 6x customer tomorrow. I, again, checked with Allworx tech support. They said that they advise everyone to:
1. Upgrade in Major version increments--don't skip over
2. Be careful installing 7.5 for any end-user
The Allworx Sales person, however, said they they have been using 7.5 for about a month now, and it seems just fine. Now that's coming from a sales person. Buyer beware!!

The sales person also said that they don't use the term "Pre-Production" software anymore. MY Bad. I asked her what term they used for software these days that hasn't been completely tested and she said---"Oh, that software is just fine....." I'd still rather go in small steps and put it in our 6x here in the shop, first. I remember putting in some version a few years ago and all sorts of goofy things would happen. It took us about a week to call Allworx about it and they already had a newer version and tech support said to upgrade ASAP!!

Our supplier was more adamant in his advice. Do NOT use 7.5 yet for awhile. It may be just fine---but it may not be. I'd rather err on the side of caution. Also, it's going to take us a bit of time to play around with the Reach product. It's working OK, but there are some things that we're learning on this. It's not something I would have a customer jump in and use.

You have a lot of issues going on there. If you're lucky (did I say lucky????) it's just a dDoS attack and that will be it.
Good Luck and keep us in the loop.

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To the others seeing 7.5 crashes, have you seen it on new installs (fresh install of 7.5, then programmed), or on any 7.5 system?

The reason I ask is that we upgraded our in-house system to and settings here and there were lost. For example, the imap port, 143, was no longer open on the WAN. The system (a 48X!) would crash after five minutes [it was functioning as a router for only five people (although this was possibly due to the DoS attack against system that were hacked and then subsequently patched but I didn't have time to capture packets)]. To fix it I put in a different router and disabled ping (stealth dmz).

As a general rule, never install the newest allworx software until it's been out for about six months or has seen about 3 or 4 revisions. This software is on the portal as "not having seen a diverse range of deployments", which is their way of saying its beta.

Last edited by justingoldberg; 06/29/13 03:20 AM.
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My customer's installer downgraded their loaner box to 7.4, and still had the same issues of crashing every 6 hours, so it is not a sftw issue. So I had him unplug the WAN port for a weekend, and the system stayed up the whole time. Soon as it was connected again, back to 6 hour crashes.
So this is definitely not a hardware or sftw issue. Customer did pay the installer to install a firewall at install but the one they wanted to put in was back ordered. Hopefully they will get that in soon. If his system is being attacked then that should solve it. If it doesn't, than this must be a Broadvox issue. So a new SIP provider might be the next step if they can't fix it.
Not there yet, but at least we're narrowing it down.
Thanks all for the input, I'll post resolution once we get there.

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Had a new tech go out there Monday, and couldn't really find much, however he did see a verizon router connected to the network that was for his cable TV in the waiting room. They disconnected it just to rule out a conflict, and surprise surprise system has been up ever since. Turns out it is a couple years old and had a known issue for "every 6 hours" trying to ping and if it didn't get through it would throw a monkey wrench in the network. Which would explain the every 6 hour crash, something so simple but took so long for it to be noticed. Hope this helps someone out there one day, and again I appreciate everyone's input in the matter.

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