Ahh, I see. Well, that does leave it in their court then. The best advice that I can give you in that case is to make sure you have enough band with. Get what you think will be enough and then double it.....or at least make it absolutly clear that the quality will be about cell phone quality at best. Anything going purly over IP is going to have service issues, that is a guarantee, not a possibility. If your boss can get that point then things can be worked out and you will be off the hook for the most part. If it is a few calls here and there you will be OK fo the most part, but if there is any call volume expect problems, again, just make them aware of this.
I hate to paint a doom and gloom picture, but without the experience or knowhow there will be issues. Study a lot about your project, study util you you could do it in your sleep. Test it before you go online so to speak, if you can.
Good luck!