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I am not an expert with our Executone IDS 228, DACD, & VXC System (just handle the day-today type requirements) - therefore, I am asking here for information. Thank you in advance for any help.

We are switching Long Distance Carriers and our pending new carrier has asked whether we have an AMI or B8ZS and also whether we have Super Frame or Extended Super Frame. We do not have a vendor at this time to ask (that's what the new LD carrier said to do - ask the vendor). Can you tell me how I can get this information?

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If you are changing a T-1 provider you really need a phone vender. You should post the city which you are from and the might be someone from the forum that would be able to help you in your area.


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Thanks for the information. . . . .we are located in Summerville, SC - close to Charleston.

I have contact, at times, with a previous phone vendor and he said that all that would be required would be for the new carrier to switch our connections from one carrier to another via a jack or some kind of equipment in our telephone equipment room. (he is/was familar with our setup).

OK, I have supplied our location and I thank you very much for the suggestion, but is there anything that I can do to determine the configuration or will it absolutely require a phone vendor? Thank you again - I appreciate your quick reply and I will be waiting for further instructions.

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JJ Offline
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You need to contact your original carrier and ask them. It depends on the CSU you are using and how it i setup. What is your CSU? if a Kentrocs T-serv you usually use D4, AMI. The IDS system needs D4, AMI signalling into it, but that can be controled by the CSU.

Good Luck!!

[This message has been edited by JJ (edited November 01, 2004).]

If all else fails, use a BFH.
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Thank you for your response. I looked in the equipment room and found a ACD Kentrox T Server II. I will call the present LD carrier and see what information they can give me. They should say AMI, according to your theory . . .;>). Now, all I need to know is if it is a Super Frame or an Extended Super Frame. . . . Thank you again for your feedback.

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Just got off the phone with current LD Carrier (universal, VERY well known carrier) and they said they didn't know - all they could tell me was that all 24 channels are voice channels and that I would have to call our telephone vendor.

Is there anywhere on the terminal where this configuration may be documented - like the B screen or somewhere? Seems like if the vendor knows the configuration, it would be listed in the program somewhere???

Update. . . . just got off the phone with the previous vendor person that I talk to every now and then. He said it is an AMI and a Super Frame. Said something like, one thing about Executone, they are all configured the same. . . . . Thanks for your help!

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JJ Offline
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The IDS needs D4, AMI, Super Frame comming into switch. Since you are using all 24 chanels for voice, the signaling from Telco should be the same.

If you had a CSU/DSU the signaling from Telco could hav been B8ZS, Extended Super Frame. This is used if you use some chanels for DATA and the others for voice.

D4, AMI, Super Frame should take care of you.

Good Luck!!

If all else fails, use a BFH.
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Thank you so very much. . .I appreciate your time and the sharing of your knowledge regarding this matter.

My vendor contact, in order to try and save us money, told me that a vendor really doesn't need to be on site for the changeover because all that will be involved is switching from one connection to another in the equipment room and if for some reason it doesn't work, they can always switch back to the way it was until they get the kinks ironed out. Would you agree with this?

I don't know if I can state the vendors involved here (LD carriers that we are switching to and from) but they are probably the two largest LD carriers. It's just that one responded to our request for a rate decrease and the other one was going to but never did.

Thanks once again.

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You got me curious. I'd be pretty leery of a "well known carrier" that couldn't tell me the framing format and line coding they were giving me. I worked for AT&T for 30 years and even a dummy can find that information on a word document, even if they don't know how to look it up in the switch. If it's AT&T let me know cause they laid off ALL there techs doing this stuff and gave the work to management, if you don't want to post it PM me.

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Hi Bill,

I must have worded that wrong. Here's how it is going.

We have AT&T as our LD carrier right now - Bell South is going to be our new LD carrier. BS wanted to know if we were AMI or BZ8blah blah blah - and also if we were super frame or extended super frame.

I called AT&T to ask them and the CSR lady told me she had no information to that effect. All she could tell me was that we had 24 channels and they were all voice. I, too, found this hard to accept, but I figured I could get the info from my PV (previous vendor) contact (he knows everyhting ;>))and sure enough, he was able to tell me what we had.

So, you think that BS or AT&T should have been able to help me? One thing I was extremely curious about was that AT&T sub-contracts their work to BS, so why wouldn't BS already know this. I mentioned this to the Sales Rep but she said it was our Vendor that would be able to give me this info. Needless to say, I have been frustrated with all parties here. Seems like they should have known this, but anyway, I retrieved this info FOR THEM.

Thanks for your reply. If you have any comments/suggestions regarding this, I would certainly appreciate hearing back from you.

Now I am waiting for BS to do whatever it is they have to do to switch the circuits. Boy, I sure hope everything goes OK. We have incoming 800's on those lines and it is important that they are working lines at all times (sales). Thanks again!

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<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by clmiller:
[B]I have been frustrated with all parties here. Seems like they should have known this, but anyway, I retrieved this info FOR THEM.


When I suggested you need an onsite vendor this frustration is what I was thinking about. Carrier sales people will tell you one thing to sell the service and leave you hanging when their tech shows up and has problems. This might not happen but to many times I ve seen the trouble come up and the Carrier's tech wants to blame your equipment and run. Not all techs are like this but there are enough out there to be a pain. Having you own vendor there to defend your equipment is always a good idea. Hope that your cutover does go over well for you.


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You are absolutely right!! I am so disappointed in the original BS sales rep who was so "aggressive" about selling their service to us. She claimed "there will be nothing to it"!!! Just flip a switch and all will be taken care of. Since then, she has been transferred into another position and really doesn't even care what's going on as far as the switch over. Before we agreed to their business, she would call me ALL the time, assuring me everything will be WONDERFUL. Now that we've signed a contract, I can't even get her to answer a phone call until I've called three times and begin to get just a little indignant about her not returning my calls ;>).

I do believe, before this is over, I am going to tell her that she, nor any other sales rep, should say there is not going to be any involvement on the customer's side, because that is indeed JUST NOT TRUE!!

Thanks, Kerry. I appreciate your comments.

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A sales rep still should know by your records and if they don't they should know who to call. Now to try and answer your question. When you had AT&T service you had a t1 to the AT&T switch that switch requires certain line coding and framing format, depending on what you are using it for. Across the carrier it's always ESF it's converted on both ends (switch and to the local company) Bell South, if everything is done right is transparant so they don't care what the framing is they just pass on what they get, so they wouldn't know. Now things have changed, the local companys can now provide Services before they couldn't so now they need the information. Not knowing your CSU I can't be specific to it, but most CSU's have either an option switch or soft pad display where you can set the line code and framing, but there are a ton of different ones and I'm sure there are some that you buy that are hard set and can't be changed. Hope I haven't rambled too much and shed some light on it.

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We STILL have AT&T at this writing. Our contract ran out with them last October and our rates went sky-high at that time - tripling in costs. I contacted AT&T to renew the contract (it was very difficult to find a "rep" for us as AT&T has downsized. I was able to contact my previous AT&T rep, who is in a totally different field now, but he told me he would try to find a rep. Finally, someone did call me and I asked them to propose a new contract. I did the same with Bell South. AT&T never got back with me and BS was so aggressive, promising a care-free switchover and great rates. We signed a contract with Bell South.

We are STILL waiting for them (BS)to do whatever it is they need to do to get us switched over (and it hasn't been "care-free" as they said it would be. They are asking numberous questions now, one of which was the AMI question. They also wanted to know all the telephone numbers our company has. That's funny, because they send us a bill every month which lists all our phone numbers. Now they want our vendor to be present during switchover (at a cost of $100/hour - which when doing their proposal to us, they did not mention that we would have to do this - she said NOTHING would be required on our part). HA!!!!

Our CSU is a ACD Kentrox Serv II. Our T1 is a 24 channel and all channels are set for voice. Does this tell you anything? Do you think I need a vendor on site? If BS does everything correctly, when we do the physical switch in the equipment room, everything should work correctly, right? And, if for some reason it doesn't, can't BS physically switch it back to the old connection until they correct their error? My previous vendor keeps telling me that it is not necessary for a vendor to be there because all that is needed is switching from one box to another. Does this make sense to you?

Thanks for replying once again.

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Doesn't surprise me about AT&T, they are getting out of the residential and small business world, they just want big customers, too bad used to be a good company.
As far as your vendor goes (gotta raise my rates $100 and hour?) If BS matches your signaling it shouldn't be necessary, just a matter of swinging your service from the AT&T switch to the Bell switch. Having said that if they want your vendor on site it tells me they aren't real sure about what they are doing. We used to switch service all the time, all you needed is what the customer switch needs for signaling and of course the framing and line coding. There are exceptions to every rule, but most pure voice T-1's are D4/AMI, I think by other post you have determined that.

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The story goes on and on. BS (a new contact) called this AM - they want to know our 800 numbers and the line #'s they come in on. I have already provided the Sales Rep with all this. Needless to say, it took TIME to do that - I told the new contact to get that info from the the Sales Rep. Now we will see what the next call will be bringing. So much for care-free switching. ;>)

Our phone vendor's rates are 3 hour minimum @ $100 an hour. That's during regular working hours. Guess when we will have to make the switch-over!!!??? I'm afraid to ask what those rates would be. That's why I'm so diligent about ascertaining whether having a vendor on site is a must. We are a "struggling" company and try to eliminate unnecessary costs in any way we can.

Thanks, Bill - thanks to everyone who responded. Your replies are greatly appreciated and have been very helpful.

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<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by clmiller:
Our phone vendor's rates are 3 hour minimum @ $100 an hour. [Linked Image from sundance-communications.com] </font>

I wish you were closer to me. Those rates would be easy to beat.

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In that case, I wish you were too!!!! [Linked Image from sundance-communications.com]

Might be able to afford YOU. [Linked Image from sundance-communications.com]

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I'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Back!!!!

YIKES!!! We tried the switch-over on Friday, the 7th. Bell South said they were getting signalling indicating an Extended Super Frame versus just a Super Frame. I called my Vendor friend - he adamantly said that our T1 was a DM4 - Super Frame (dont' quote me on the exactness of the DM4- my paperwork is at the office. I am at home right now, very frustrated that the switch-over did not go well.

What it amounted to was the Vendor, via telephone saying one thing and Bell South saying another. Vendor said that our T1 was DM4 - AMI Super Frame and it could not be configured (no way to change it) - that if AT&T Long Distance was working with it, there should be no reason why Bell South, if they had their pre-coding, etc. done correctly, should not work too. So, now we are in a P'ing match between Bell South and the Vendor.

How can I determine who is right? One of the IT people at work said we should call AT&T on Monday and ask them what their interface with us was - Extended Frame or Super Extended Frame. I'm not sure AT&T will be able to tell me that, though.

Can anyone shed any light?

Thanks in advance. . . .

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<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by JJ:
The IDS needs D4, AMI, Super Frame comming into switch. Since you are using all 24 chanels for voice, the signaling from Telco should be the same.

If you had a CSU/DSU the signaling from Telco could hav been B8ZS, Extended Super Frame. This is used if you use some chanels for DATA and the others for voice.

D4, AMI, Super Frame should take care of you.

Good Luck!!

As Said by JJ... That is what it is.(period)That is the ONLY way it could have been in an IDS.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel..

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Thank You, thank you, thank you.

If I may take a few minutes here to explain what is going on - I would be ever so grateful.

You are going to be able to determine just how much of a novice I am at this, but you have to give me credit for trying, right? (I am actually an Admin Asst and how I got in the middle telephones is a long story). I have learned alot and have been able to keep the system running for the last 5 years, but a Tech, I am not (in any way).

In our Telco room are two, I guess T1 boxes - one is AT&T for our long distance (24 channels, and the other is Bell South for our local calls (24 channels). About a year ago, we ordered from Bell South, a T1 line (I wasn't involved in that, so I'm not sure of all the details why). This T1 has 24 channels and 2 of them are data channels, some are ingoing/outgoing voice channels (lines 1-8), some are DID some are AVA and some are L???. All of the channels are not being used. I know this because when Bell South came in to do the switchover, I obtained all this information from them at that time - also when I look at the B screen I see these lines identified as such.

Also on the B screen are lines 25 -48 (these are our long distance AT&T lines). I'm assuming these are being carried through the other TI box in the Telco room identified as AT&T.

I'm not sure what a CSU is but I believe it may be the Kentroc (spelling???) box that is also on the wall in the Telco room where the AT&T cable is also connected to. When we take the jack or plug from the AT&T T1 box and plug it into the Bell South T1 box, where there is already one T1 plug up for the 24 channels I mentioned - they put another plug in the same box (assuming it is for the new T1 that we are switching from AT&T), Bell South says they are getting Super Frame signals versus Extended Super Frame. That's when our Vendor told me to tell Bell South that if the AT&T T1 was working with the DM4 Super Frame, there should be no reason that Bell South's connection shouldn't work.

Could it be that Bell South has some coding wrong - why would they be getting ESF signals? I hope I'm not being a pest - I would love to get this resolved so I can go in tomorrow morning and tell Bell South something!

To clarify - what I see in the Telco room is a Bell South T1 box with a jack already plugged into it for our local calls and the data channels. Then there is another jack which they just recently set-up for us to take AT&T's plug from AT&T's T1 and plug it into their newly designed jack on the existing T1 box. When we take AT&T's plug and plug it into Bell South's they say they are getting ESF signals. WHY???? (when our T1 card is a DM4 SF AMI blah blah blah.

Before this is over, I feel like I may qualify for a job as a Tech ;>).

Again, thank you for taking the time to reply and Ilook forward to any more comments you may have.

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I'm sorry. . . . . . I made a mistake in the previous post. I said Bell South said they were getting SF signals when I meant to say they were getting ESF signals.

Thanks! And again, I apologize for any confusion.

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Believe it or not 98% of new T1 circuits are B8ZS Extended superframe. That being said whenevr we nee a D4 AMI circuit it is almost always misconfigured. Usually it is a smart jack or repeater optioned for ESF instead of SF. The only way to solve this is to have the new service provider have a craftsman on site with a T Berd analyzer. This will tell immediately whcih signal is coming in at the site. INSIST that they provide this service!!!! I am in the SBC area and they can't even support AMI D4 circuits in some of their offices. Has to do with Fujitsu Muxs used in some Central Offices. Good Luck.

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<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by clmiller:

In our Telco room are two, I guess T1 boxes - one is AT&T for our long distance (24 channels, and the other is Bell South for our local calls (24 channels). About a year ago, we ordered from Bell South, a T1 line (I wasn't involved in that, so I'm not sure of all the details why). This T1 has 24 channels and 2 of them are data channels, some are ingoing/outgoing voice channels (lines 1-8), some are DID some are AVA and some are L???. All of the channels are not being used. I know this because when Bell South came in to do the switchover, I obtained all this information from them at that time - also when I look at the B screen I see these lines identified as such.

Also on the B screen are lines 25 -48 (these are our long distance AT&T lines). I'm assuming these are being carried through the other TI box in the Telco room identified as AT&T.

I'm not sure what a CSU is but I believe it may be the Kentroc (spelling???) box that is also on the wall in the Telco room where the AT&T cable is also connected to. When we take the jack or plug from the AT&T T1 box and plug it into the Bell South T1 box, where there is already one T1 plug up for the 24 channels I mentioned - they put another plug in the same box (assuming it is for the new T1 that we are switching from AT&T), Bell South says they are getting Super Frame signals versus Extended Super Frame. That's when our Vendor told me to tell Bell South that if the AT&T T1 was working with the DM4 Super Frame, there should be no reason that Bell South's connection shouldn't work.

Could it be that Bell South has some coding wrong - why would they be getting ESF signals? I hope I'm not being a pest - I would love to get this resolved so I can go in tomorrow morning and tell Bell South something!

To clarify - what I see in the Telco room is a Bell South T1 box with a jack already plugged into it for our local calls and the data channels. Then there is another jack which they just recently set-up for us to take AT&T's plug from AT&T's T1 and plug it into their newly designed jack on the existing T1 box. When we take AT&T's plug and plug it into Bell South's they say they are getting ESF signals. WHY???? (when our T1 card is a DM4 SF AMI blah blah blah.

Before this is over, I feel like I may qualify for a job as a Tech ;>).

Again, thank you for taking the time to reply and Ilook forward to any more comments you may have.

Do You have 2 T-1 cards in your switch?


You said lines 25-48 are 1 T-1...on the ' B '

What are the OTHER lines on the B Screen?

It may be that the Other lines are coming to You Thru a ' Channel Bank ' That could very well be set up different than the standard 24voice T-1...

[This message has been edited by nonameyet (edited January 09, 2005).]

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel..

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Hi NotaMemberYet

To answer your question; on the B screen we have lines 1-48 identified.

Lines 1-24 tell me they are the Bell South local T1 as they contain the incoming/outgoing voice channels (1-8) (CO lines)then say like channels 9-14 are not identified as being anything; then 15-24 are identified as DID lines - right now from home I can't remeber what else may be there but the last two channels are data channels (our internet service). There is a Southern Bell T1 Box on the wall for these channels - I see it marked as Bell South equipmen. Lines 1-8 are lines that are used for both incoming local calls and then when anyone from our facility picks up the phone and dials out, it also grabs one of those 8 lines to go out on. We have LCR that channels the outgoing calls to the least cost routing.

Then channel 25 begins what I recognize as our 800 numbers/trunks. Not all these channels are used but all that are in this group are long distance related. There are no data channels from 25-48. AT&T is our current LD carrier, but we are trying to switch over to Bell South.

I hope I answered your question . . . .thanks for asking. . . thanks for your help.

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Rather Be Fishing,

Thank you so very much. I will certainly talk to Bell South and tell them to do what you suggested.

Thanks everyone! Tomorrow should be interesting. ;>)

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Ya know, this just kills me. Why in the world didn't Bell South, as suggested by Rather be Fishing, just stick a T-berd in the circuit and see what they were getting?? Lots of incompetence here, I really feel for ya. This is what we get for getting rid of all our techs for the "needs of the business"

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Thanks Just Bill,

It makes me feel better to know that maybe the unsuccesssful switch over may not have been something I should have done. I do believe Bell South is missing something here.

My vendor, the honest/decent person that he is said there's no need to pay us $300 minimum to be on site; there's absolutely nothing we need to do. If Bell South codes their equipment correctly everything should work onece the jack is moved from AT&T to Bell South. I had words with the BS CSR Friday afternoon before the attempted switch over. She insisted that the vendor needed to be there. She said she NEVER experienced a switchover without a vendor, yet they were not going to be on site to support their equipment. She said they were not allowed to touch our equipment - it was our responsibility to configure our system. Our vendor said there was no configuration to be done. Oh well - . . . . we'll see what's next. . .LOL!

I'll let you know what happens, just for the heck of it. I have a feeling it isn't going to be pretty ;>(

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In an earlier post you stated you had a Kentron Tserv 2..on the following WEB site
Page 22 gives you model number and what framing format each model is. Say model 77965022 is SF only and model 77965023 can be either. I didn't dig any farther than that. If it's the first it can only be D4/AMI.

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Using a t-smart you can set it so you can have b8zs-esf into the csu and d-4 ami coming out of it

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OK. . . . . I couldn't find it on the site you provided but I did an internet research on the Model Number (77961053) Here are some of the specs on it - Now What?

Framing Format D4, ESF, AT&T 54016,ANSI T1.403

Line Rate T-1

Line Coding Format AMI,B8ZS

It is working with AT&T - but not with Bell South because I provided them with D4 SF AMI information as my vendor told me it was.

Now it's looking like maybe I gave them the wrong inoformation???


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It can't be both..It's just telling you what it can be. D4 or ESF, AMI or B8ZS. There should be an option table to tell you how to set it, or soft keys, than just look as to which way it is set. Still can't get them out to the site with a t-berd huh? Way back in the post JJ told you that your switch will work D4/AMI only, I'm not familiar with your switch, but I'm sure he is.

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Hi JustBill!

Wellllllllll, I'm trying to be diplomatic until AT&T calls me with the framing format and line coding (hee hee). I asked the Representative if I could speak the the BS Tech, but she wants me to ask her any and all questions first; then if she can't answer them, SHE will ask the Tech - (because we are in a pre-install status, so she says). Sooooooo, I asked her if the BS Tech did testing with a T-Berd analyzer - I'm waiting for her response.

You see, you guys make me look like I really know what I'm talking about now. LOL! Thanks so much - I appreciate it more than you will ever know.

I realize that the Kentrox would be one or the other but I was hoping it would be the Model that only did the D4 AMI ;>(. I know I still have a 50-50 chance of being right.

Just to add to all this, I called AT&T to ask the frame formatting, etc. questions. I called the Customer Service main number. Menu after menu, options after options, I finally got a girl who said I needed Maintenance - she gave me the Maintenance number and then proceeded to transfer me. Menu after menu, option after option, I finally got a "person". She told me that I had the wrong department - she said she was in Collections. I verified the number and sure enough it was the number the girl told me would be Maintenance. I got a little "ugly" so she stayed with me until she connected me to another party. That party said I needed Trouble/Repair and she flipped me into another menu/option thingy. Again, menu after menu, option after option, I finally reached a lady who took the questions and said someone would be back to me in a couple of hours with the answer. It's already been five hours and still no call.

The time it took for me to complete the call and finally ask my question to the proper person: 45 MINUTES!!!!!!!

I might add that this is not just AT&T - seems like every number I call these days is the same way. Last Monday, I was on the phone for 1 hour and 10 minutes and finally reached the proper person to address my insurance question to. I can't take much more - LOL!

Thanks Bill - have a great day!

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Having done this in the past, I can tell you after getting into the switch and pulling up your trunk group this takes all of 5 minutes, but like I said management is doing all this now. Don't want to offend anyone who's management so I'll keep the rest to myself. How's it go, those that can do, those who can't manage..or something like that.

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<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by clmiller:
Hi NotaMemberYet

I hope I answered your question . . . .thanks for asking. . . thanks for your help.

My Name is ' No Name Yet '

But, don't worry about that,

Let me ask you a different question, I had asked if You have 2 T-1 cards...

Check the ' F Screen ' and list here what the card Identifers are(they should be on the left hand side) like GS for Trunk card,STA for station card, SLI for single line card..I'm trying to remember what T-1 looks like...I think its Tl1andTl2????

The part where you're saying lines 1 to 8 are in/out...9 to 14 not used and the rest are DID...These would NOT be altogether on the SAME card unless ' MAYBE ' that card is a PRI card and even then the last channel would be the CONTROL channel...Hope You know what I'm talking about...email me if You want.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel..

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LOL!! I'm so sorry about your name, No Name Yet - Not a Member Yet????? Where did that come from?? ;>(

OK, when I go to work tomorrow, I will look on the F screen and tell you what it says. I know there are SLI's listed but I can't remember what else.

I'm feeling a little humble tonight . . . . my son-in-law did his MIL (MOI) a favor and came in to check out the equipment for me. He works for another carrier (wireless). I was asking him questions last night when they came over to my house - he told me that he would come by and look everything over for me. Here is what he found.

First he looked at the AT&T T1 box on the wall and noted the lights and saw that it was programmed or configured as ESF and AMI which he said was a first for him - said he doesn't remember seeing a combo like that before. Then he checked SB T1 box and noted the lights set at SF AMI - He said all he thinks that now needs to be done is call BS and tell them to change their coding to the ESF framing format and then everything should work just fine. Makes sense. . .we'll see. ;>)

When you asked me if I had two T1 cards I really didn't know how to answer that. I picture a card to be what's in the cabinet and I know that we have 1 T1 card in there. I was looking at the original PO from Executone today and I noticed that they have listed a T1 kit (I am thinking that the T1 kit is the card in the slot in the cabinet and the Kentrox configured somehow as the interface). MAYBE??? I wasn't there for the first few weeks when the system was purchased but came in to the picture shortly thereafter. Of course, no one shared any of this information with me - then the head Engineer retired and there I was trying to steward the day to day problems - might say I did a pretty good job in spite of not knowing very much. ;>) Back in those days, we did have a maintenance contract for the first couple of years, but when the cost of that sky-rocketed to $11,000 a year, we decided not to renew and by that time, after watching the Vendor do his thing when he was called in, I became pretty savy.

Gosh, I seem to be rambling. . . . I better quit for now. If you still want to know what the F screen shows, I will be more than happy to tell you. I guess there are so many different ways to configure a PBX - I am amazed at how much I've learned through this thread.

Can't thank everyone enough . . .

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IS bell south really offering you that much of a difference in service cost. For the trouble I would have stuck with AT&T. I have 8 T-1's through AT&T and our rates are great haven't been able to find anyone that could beat them. I wish you luck.

Joshua R. Flores
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I would have LOVED to have kept AT&T, believe me - none of this craziness would have had to happen.

However, I could not get ANYONE at AT&T to contact me - ohhhh, I finally found someone who talked to me one time and said he would get back to me - then I contacted him again when he didn't get back; once again he promised to get back with me but never did. AT&T's rates would have been just about the same as Bell South, but I couldn't get anyone to go forward with a contract. I tried. . . . . .believe me, I tried. When our contract expired, our rates went up an additional 27 cents a minute. New management at the time didn't realize the impact of having a contract expire - they just paid the high rates for about a year and a half until I said, ya know, we ought to do something about this. . . . why pay 3 times what you could be paying.

Now, in retrospec, I would have tried harder to get a response from AT&T. We used to have a great AT&T representative who was always there for us but when I contacted him he said AT&T had downsized so much that it would be hard to find me a rep; he was in an entirely different field himself. He finally furnished me the name of one, but as I said, it didn't go very far.

So, that's why I didn't stick with AT&T!! I should have be more aggressive, I guess, but on the other hand, I had Bell South calling me everyday, promising me the moon and the stars with no effort on our part as the Sales Rep said "All it will request is just a "flip of the switch" - HA!!!

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AT&T has gotten out of the residential market and is getting out of small business. They only want large contracts.

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That's right justbill. . .

However, our phone bill (the AT&T part) is about $4-5K a month. I wonder how big you have to be . . . .;>).

I think we are classified as "small business" with them.

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I don't know the exact cut off point, but my guess would be at least quarter million. I remember a state account they lost about 10 years ago and it was a 12 million account and they lost it because they didn't aggressively pursue it, they said it was too small to worry about. Of course that wasn't all profit and I have no idea what the overhead was.

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I am not sure what there long distance classification is for Business but we do about 8k-11k in long distance every month with them. If you don't have any luck with South Bell drop me a line and I will get my corporate guy on the phone and see if he can hammer something out for you. Also check out the new partnership with MCI and ACN, They have some unbelievable rates right now for long distance. Clmiller add your e-mail and I will send you some Prices that I have.

[This message has been edited by RexburgPhoneCenter (edited January 12, 2005).]

[This message has been edited by RexburgPhoneCenter (edited January 12, 2005).]

Joshua R. Flores
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Thank you for your help, rexbpc - It's very nice of you to offer. I will contact you if BS doesn't come through for us (I think they will, though). Here is my work e-mail - I appreciate it very much.

[email protected]

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Did they ever get your trunks up? Hope you're not still having to fight them.

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Hi Bill,

Thanks for asking. Bell South gave us the option to either change our settings to SF to match theirs or they would have to go back to the drawing board and do something that could take up to 2 weeks.

So, to be on the safe side and not change anything of ours that has been working for the last 5 years, I/we opted to have them change theirs to ESF AMI. Today, I got an e-mail asking if I am sure that it is AMI because ESF usually always is the 8BZthingy. My SIL checked the lights in the Kentrox and the AMI and ESF lights were signalling. I sure hope I'm not wrong again.

I was just thinking today. . . .when Bell South was in the phone room, why didn't they look at the lights on the Kentrox to be sure that the settings I gave them were correct - it would have been so easy for them to do.

I was wrong by giving them the wrong info (SF) but my goodness, they put their T1 box right next to the Kentrox. Oh well, you know what they say about hindsight. . .

I guess I am waiting for Bell South to re-do whatever they originally did. Does this make sense?

Thanks again for asking Bill - nice of you to follow-up. I'll let you know what happens. Wish me luck. . . . .cause I'm not going to have a vendor there. Maybe my SIL will be available for a telephone call if necessary when they try to switchover again.


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Bless ya, good luck, you've been through enough. From your post Bell South is more confused than you are.

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JJ Offline
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If using Kentrox CSU part #30–27–00001

Facility Interface Code – 04DU9–B for a 1.544 Mbps D4 framing format circuit


Service Code – 6.0 N

FCC Registration:
The T1 port card is designed to be used with an external CSU. This CSU provides all re-quired part 68 functions for safety and keep alive. Use the FCC registration number of the particular CSU you are using. The FCC number for the KENTROX CSU is

Good Luck!!

If all else fails, use a BFH.
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