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I'm the IT Admin at a firm and I've recently been assigned to deal with phones without any prior knowledge, so forgive me if I'm unclear or using wrong terms.

We recently had two new extensions added to our phone system, but they don't seem to be properly configured. When the receptionist forwards a call to a new extension the phone rings forever without defaulting to the voice mail. So, I've researched enough to figure out that Call Forwarding needs to be set. However, everytime I try to set Call Forward - Busy / No Answer, I get a disruptive tone and the data is not programmed.

I've assigned the voice mail a mailbox number [DN]+656 and programmed the message retrieval [DN]+657 already, but using the #604 programming number never works. The only clue I have left is that the guide says "If you hear a re-order tone when following any of the Call Forward steps, your telephone is not the owner of the [PDN]/[PhDN]." So, assuming this is the issue, I scoured the user guide and couldn't find any information on how to set this detail.

So, my real question is: How do I set a telephone to be the owner of the extension?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Intercom #604 , VM pilot number or first port of VM , speed dial key , enter time in seconds , redial.

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Thanks for the quick response! You'll have to forgive my ignorance of the phone world though... What is a VM pilot number / first port of VM? Thanks!

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What you dial to get to voicemail , the voicemails extension number

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Oh, then I've definitely tried that repeatedly. However, when I hit the speed dial button (I've substituted * as well), the display doesn't show the command is entered and no command past that point is recognized. Also, if I take too long to complete the string of button entries, there's an annoying tone, similar to a busy signal, and the entry is voided. Following the exact string you provided, the end result is a screen that states "Forward to 2271". Any other suggestions?

Thanks again for your help!

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Try *#* for speed dial , there is a timeout if you don't enter anything . Is 2271 the voicemail ?

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No, the extension is 227, but when the speed dial key gets ignored it takes in the next number which is 1, from 12 for the seconds to delay, and then won't take anymore information.

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try the *#* , or program a speed dial key on the phone

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Could be that the key that's labeled speed dial is not really a speed dial select key. With the phone idle, press Redial and that speed dial key. You should see #* in the display. If you see anything else, even a #*XX where XX=11 through 49, then it's not a speed dial select key. You could do this for all the buttons on the phone until you see #*. If possible, go into system programming and check the buttons for that extension to see where the speed dial select key (497) is programmed.

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Ah ha! Phonemeister, you got it! Neither the speed dial key nor the * button seem to do anything. Is there a way to program this key to do what I need it to? Thanks a ton!

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Read my last post again, cbarrows, because I was editing it when you replied.

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I think I misread your post the first time or took an incorrect step. I retried what you said about pressing the speed dial key while it's idle, and got an asterisk mark. I should mention, as well, that the phone I'm now using on this line does not have a speed dial button and I've been substituting the asterisk key as the user guide directed. Before I was using another employee's phone because he was gone, but has returned.

So, provided that the asterisk mark showed up while idle, I retried to code series provided above. Again, when I hit the asterisk, nothing appeared on the display.

Sorry if I'm missing something here, and thanks for the help! Any further advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Did you press Redial first before pressing the speed dial select key?

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I just tried, with no luck. Here is the full string of commands entered, just to make sure I'm not missing or adding anything erroneous:

Intercom + #604 + 227 (extension) + * + 12 (time of delay) + redial

And just now:

Intercom + #604 + 227 (extension) + redial + * + 12 (time of delay) + redial

As a test, I also tried #602 and after I've entered 227 I get an immediate busy signal. Then I tried #603, and get the same issue as #604.

I've brought out a brand new phone for use on my own extension. As a test, I'd like to clear and reset my own CF-BN. How would I go about this?

And I know I ask a lot of questions, but can this be done on a phone without a display as well? Thanks!

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Update: I've broken the CF-BN on my extension that has existed in the office since inception of the system. I've tried all instances of Call Forward options (all calls, busy, no answer, busy/no answer) and all either cut me off with a busy signal after I've entered the extension or sit idle and never program the change. Is this helpful? Thanks!

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You need to first find the speed dial select key.
Read my first reply above again.

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Unfortunately, I have no clue as to how to access the system programming. I've been reading the only user guide we seem to have (Toshiba Strata DK) to get information, but I'm not finding much. Thanks.

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Looks like this:


is the same issue?

A search for Toshiba DK Program 39 brought me to a document with the following information:

Program 39 Flexible Key Assignment
Assigns pre-programmed features and key mapping to selected ports or stations.
You must enable the * key on digital phones by programming a flexible key for Speedial (*).
enter-S39H-S- ___ # ___ - ___ -H-exit
  
Port Number Press LED Feature Code 497 = Speedial
Enter Station port number or range to be programmed. Press the LED\Key to be defined. Enter the Feature Code to be assigned to the LED\Key.

This all seems like even more gibberish to me, as I'm increasingly more lost. Have I at least stumbled upon what you described?

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Yes, that's the right solution. However, I'm still leaning towards the fact that you have the speed dial select key programmed on your set. Do you have a 10-button phone or a 20-button phone?
Btw, when you said you entered the 656 code did you use #656 or just 656?

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I'm working with 10 button phones, and I've been using #656. Are Programs, such as Program 39, something that are programmed from the phone, or am I missing a piece of hardware or even software? Sorry to ask so many questions that I'm sure are very basic to all of you; I can't get anyone to service our system due to it's age.

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Ahh...Try swapping out the 10-button with a 20-button just to program the call forwarding. I bet you that the speed dial select button is on one of the buttons 11-20 (most likely 20). And since you were using a 10-button phone, you couldn't access buttons 11-20. It's ok to swap the phones for this purpose because the programming isn't stored on the phone sets. Btw, button 11 is the lower right button and button 20 is the upper right button.

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Hmm, it didn't seem to make a difference. Let's make sure I'm doing this right though... I swapped out for a 20 button phone (has an additional 20 button add-on as well) and tried the sequence again: no change. If I pickup the receiver and hit intercom, should each of the twenty buttons display something when I press them? I'm not getting anything on the display for any of the buttons. The phone is model DKT2020-SD if that helps at all. Thanks a ton!

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I GOT IT!! I put the old phone back in and it ended up being the 2nd button from the top! Is there a reason why this wouldn't work with the twenty button phone? Thank you so much!!

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Kind of got it rather. I accidentally programmed in the wrong extension, so I went back to correct it. However, the * doesn't come up for my extension (212) when hitting the same button as the one that works for the original extension (227). Also, the display shows "CF-BN: 212-227" when I believe it's supposed to show "CF-BN: 212-400". Again, thank you for your continued help!

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Well, 227 is probably the first physical extension number of voicemail and 400 is the pilot number (virtual extension number) for voicemail hunt group. Although you could forward to 227, the accepted practice is to use the pilot number 400. Also, the speed dial select key can be programmed on different key locations for each station. So, just because it's on button 19 on one phone doesn't mean that it's going to be button 19 on another.

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Thank you so much for your help! I can't thank you enough! One more quick question - I've also been trying to program the Message Retrieval button on extension 227. I used the sequence: [DN] + #657 + 92 + 227 + Redial. I've set this and #656 to assign the VM a mailbox number, and both programs ended with Data Programed. However, the button routes to our voice mail system greeting. Any ideas would be greatly helpful, but I'm definitely more than happy just having the CF-BN working!

Thanks so much!

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Do you mean a button programed to dial the Voicemail system? That will call the voicmail which will answer with the default greeting. Press the * key then enter mailbox number (227) to log in.. It will only ask for your secuity code if you have a message and press the MSG light.

If it says "That is an invalid entry" when you login then the VM box does not exist.

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Hmm, ok, let me clarify a little.

All of the existing extensions, when the "msg" light is blinking, go straight a person's assigned voicemail box. When I tried to program the new extension to work the same way, it ended up going to our standard greeting where, like you said, you have to hit "*" and continue with the extension number and security code. I'm trying to skip the step of person "*" so that users simply dial in their mailbox number and code. Thanks!

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It should be:
#656 91+your extension number+Redial
#657 92+your extension number+Redial

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That's what the guide had listed, but it didn't seem to work the first. I'll give it another shot now that I'm a tad more familiar with all of this and see where it gets me. Thanks a ton! And Happy Halloween!

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Is this a Toshiba voicemail ?

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I have no clue actually; I have access to the physical system though, so where would I look to find out?

Phonemeister, I tried those codes again and tested with an outside call stored to voicemail. However, whenever I hit the designated message button the system redirects the extension to another extension (212) in the office. The automated voice even says to hold while that extension is being reached. So, I erased the programming (#656+Redial; #657+Redial) and then tried the message button. At that point it goes to the voicemail greeting where you would have to hit * to continue to a personal mailbox. I re-entered the two sequences for the extension and it now continues to route to the 212 extension. Any ideas?


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Do you know what the model of the voicemail system is? Is it a Stratagy?

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You mean it rings extension 212 when you press the blinking MSG light? Then ext 212 may have turned on the light for ext 227. It happens all the time. Press "#409" to (hopefully) clear the light and try again.

I'm not 100% sure if the MSG light is First in Last out, or First in First out.

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Newtecky - I gave it a shot, and while it did clear the light, the MSG button continued to ring extension 212 the next time there was a legitimate message. Thanks for the insight though!

Phonemeister, Steve Mull - I'm not sure what we have for a voicemail system, but I managed to find the names 'Strata' and 'Contact DK' on the physical system in our basement.

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The Contact DK is not a Toshiba product. It is made by another manufacturer. I don't work on the product so I don't know what the 656 and 657 codes are. Maybe someone who knows can chime in.

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Ah, that makes sense. I believe I found a user guide online, so I'll take a look through it and post the solution if I find one. Thanks!

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Found it - Contact DK substitutes # for 91 in program 656, and * for 92 in program 657. Thanks to everyone for your patience and help!

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Well, I got to this thread too late, sorry! The Contact DK is an older Teleco voice mail system. If it has a white background and blue lettering on the faceplate it is most likely one with a physical HDD on it.

You are correct however :
#656# , EXT , Redial
#657*, EXT , Redial


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