Anybody try hooking up an external modem for remote programming to an IDS? (when the built in modem's shot) I'm going to give it a shot once I get hold of db25 to db25 cable ...plug a SLI port into a US robotics modem ..etc.
Anybody tried this before? Need to modify pinout on D25 to D25 cable?
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I've done this - but it has been YEARS. You must configure modem to auto answer. Standard 25 to 25 cable may work fine. If you don't use hardware flow control, you can use pins 2, 3 & 7 - flip 2 & 3 between the ends. If unhappy, you can strap 4 & 5 as well as 6, 8 & 20 on both ends. But I don't think that you'll need to. If it were me, I'd just replace the internal modem. You can probably buy one for fifty bucks and install will take less than two minutes. Good luck.
Thanks for the info Mike... I dug up a cable so will be giving that a shot soon.
I had contacted an Executone repair/reseller about replacing the built-in modem on a 42 a while back and they didn't know where/which part the modem was.
Do you have the part numbers for a 42 and a 108? Also a description of modem circuit/location would help..if possible.
The 42 and 84 have a built-in 300 baud (non-replacable) and 1200 baud mezz add-on board that is part #22370. The modems on larger systems were mezz on VCM until the last version that had it built-in. Mike
I don't think you were implying this..but just to state for anybody reading this... I know on the 42/84's that if the modems go bad on those that adding the 1200 baud modem wont correct it.. being that it still utilizes the same path as the now bad 300b built in modem.
I never "took note" of the "mezzed" modem's on the 108's...assuming they were built in as well. I'll check that out when I "visit" this one again... still going to give the external a whirl being a got a bag full of them for free
For years and years they were called "daughterboards" - but that term is apparently no longer politically correct. Hence Mezzanine board aka mezz came into being.
If you hook a SLT port to a modem you will have to put it in a hunt group and have the customer transfer the calls to the hunt group, other wise the call won't be connected to the modem