Yep, fake/rogue antivirus/antimalware programs are making the rounds. It stinks too. Simply viewing a web site with that garbage programmed into it is enough to infect your computer. I should know, I did this once accidentally while researching an issue on a computer's computer. Lesson learned. Don't use IE. Apply all Windows Updates.
Good how to on virus/malware removal
here . I use combofix every time. One note, if you cannot download or run combofix, then the malware is blocking the file. Simple fix: rename the file to akfahjqsfhjafs.exe or whatever you want. I've also heard that changing the file extension from .exe to .com also bypasses the malware blocks. As for Combofix detecting your antivirus program, I simply click okay and let Combofix do its job. I've never had an issue *knock on wood*.