This software........ I wish I could send this phone sys back. No support, uneducated re-sellers, cannot contact esi direct and so few online resources. I have scoured these forms and have attempted ever suggestion for getting the system programmer to work with no eval. I had the programmer working on a VM in the past, but I reinstalled it after some maintenance. Since then Unhanded exception every time, ever version, every platform. The amount of $/hr that I have spent trouble shooting this software is sicking. I'm at my breaking point here so I'm asking what advise you might have to get this working.

I have tried installing versions 1-2-14-29, and system programmer 1-2.14.17 on the following platforms:
server 2003
XP Pro 32
XP Pro 64
Windows 7 32
Windows 7 64
Server 2008 (32)
Server 2008 R2 (64)
Server 2012

Your Uninstalled
CC Cleaner
Disabled DEP
Disabled UAC
Ran in all compatibility modes
As Admin
As normal user
taken ownership of ESI program directories

This shouldn't be this difficult. Where is the ownership, where is the quality, why is there no "best practices"...

I wouldn't wish this phone sys on my worst enemy!