Good feedback. Now I dont feel so alone as it seems like a common thing. I wish the HDD's ESI used would be more reliable but I guess when you've got a lot of systems out there then one would expect more cases of trouble.

I have an old 72e feature set 2 that just had its HDD replaced last year. Im hesitating on reselling it though.

I love ESI and im going to continue to push them. Even over my beloved Nortel and Avaya systems. ESI is just to easy!

Originally posted by EV607797:

Man, I sure wish they still made those things.
Yeah, great 3rd party VM solution back in the day. I only installed a couple of these because the is pretty much when ESI took a turn in the right direction releasing the 20 and 128 platforms both with integrated VM. The price to have a phone and vm box on a user desktop back then was rediculously cheap if you went ESI. I think it was just at $150 on avg. Compared to an Avaya solution.