Always make sure you are in the right stud cavity before cutting a hole for your work box/low voltage bracket. Blank plates don't look that nice smile
I was lucky on one job, I just drilled another hole in the correct header and ran my wire down.
I have used the trick with an old wire to pull the new in, however I've also lost the wire because I did not have enough tape.

Like Arthur said, run pull strings. Not just in pipe but also when doing long runs through a drop ceiling. You never know when you will need to run something else. Also if you use a string someone else left, run a new string for the next guy.
A customer of mine had an alarm put in and luckily there was some extra wire going through the hole on both sides so I was able to use that wire to run several more, and left a pull string for myself. Saved a lot of time because I will be back next week to run more cable for security cameras smile
I also don't like when people put tie wraps on bridle rings, it is not as easy to run new wires in, because you have to take the time to cut those ties!
(mental note to ask my grandpa some good curse words in Romanian, Hungarian, or Yiddish when I go home for thanksiving laugh )

Jeff Moss

Moss Communications
Computer Repair-Networking-Cabling