I have seen both sides of the fence when it comes to wire infrastructure. I formerly worked for the local telco and took an early retirement. That was 2 1/2 years ago. At first it was a little slow. Now I have more jobs than I really need. I have worked fixing the mess left behind by some electrical contractors. Actually made some pretty good coin off these guys getting their wire up to spec. Even had one outfit repull some Cat 6 (the copper was actually showing) and it was in tray.These guys I charge by the hour, due to the fact they like to do their own terminations. Fine with me I simply do the terminating again.

Another contractor I know pulls the wire to the locations, and I come in to terminate and test. This fellow has his guys pull it the way I ask and he pays a flat rate per drop. No problems everything pulled and enough slack to cutback for the racks and jacks. But he maybe the exception some of these contractors are simply to large and send the novices to do the work, no supervision. Big coin coming my way when this happens. I have a couple of contractors who actually get me to sub the job. Some people now their limitations.

As for tying both the electrical and communication in the same package when it comes to bidding. This has been a problem for a long time. Even when I was with the telco, there was plenty of squawking. But the local telco only does Belden/Nordx pretty expensive. I have no problem beating these quotes. Even get some referrals from people within the old telco. But plenty are a bit tweeked when they hear that I pulled this job or that. But better someone with experience than a novice with no guidance.

But all in all some of these electrical guys actually now what they are up against. If someone wonders who they should get for a electrical contractor I tell them who does good clean work. These guys know what I say and I get their work. you scratch my back and I scratch yours.

I just finished 1200 Cat 6 drops. The other company did 1900. I will get their work from now on due to the way these specialists (not even electricians but a private firm that specializes in cat 6 wire in residences)did their work. Left all the wiring laying on the ceiling grid. How is that for a firm that considers their forte Structured Wire.

So keep slugging some one is bound to win.