Yeah, CoralTech, I agree with you. Unfortunately, Chicago is the only place in the country that I know of where conduit is still required for residental electrical wiring. I wonder what Home Depot does there; are they actually allowed to sell Romex cable and non-metallic boxes?

Around here, it's just about impossible to get a conduit of any kind in residential construction unless we do it ourselves. Our approach has been to run flexible or PVC to our own liking to avoid finnickey customers' mind changes. We ALWAYS run at least a 1" pipe from the basement to the attic for our own convenience, even if we don't get paid for it. $10.00 worth of PVC saves a thousand dollars worth of inconvenience later. Besides, the customer actually doesn't mind paying us on the back side when something new, like network wiring or satellite comes along and we save their butts.

How come there's always enough time to go back and fix it a second time?