Actually, we just recently (Within the past two weeks) switched to the NEC DSX. We have done two sites and have gone well. Starts at 4 lines 8 stations for the DSX40 and maxes out at 96 stations and 64 lines for the DSX120. The only feature I miss is SIP capability, but have been told to expect it before the year is out. This system can not be networked (for now) at this point either, but we really do not have any networked SBXIP systems out there anyway.

It just filled a niche for us and has worked VERY well, much better that I expected. Having to stock a single type phone for small/medium systems took me back to better days with Vodavi.

We still have several SBX systems out there, and I do enjoy them, just have been soured the last year or so and NEC was able to help ease that pain a bit.

EDIT: Just saw you sell DSX, so I was preaching to the choir, but maybe someone else will find this helpful.