I have to agree with JWRacedog's response. Like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Perhaps a PowerPoint presentation that illustrates the expected call flow? It wouldn't hurt to throw in some telecom 101 information so that the participants aren't too intimidated. IVR and predictive dialers are items that many telecom people may never see in their entire career, so the more base-level information you can share, the better.

Nobody wants to admit that they don't have a clue, and most people in this business really know how to help. If you are able to warm them up with terminology and basic information that makes sense to them, they will adapt. I can't tell you how many times I've been presented with a "big word" expectation, thought to myself "huh?", and then realized that it's really no sweat at all. I think that my first experience was when I was asked to install an RJ71X jack.

It's all about the presentation because like you said, the concept is usually pretty simple.