Power was out for about 2 hours, longer than the UPS could handle.

All station programming was lost. The date and time were lost.

The holiday settings and day / night settings are still there.

The Pilot DNs were gone and all button programming for the stations was gone. Calls are not going to voice mail.

In emanager both Maintenance, CIX Data Backup and CIX Data Download had been run a few months ago. Is there a way to restore the data? If not, what purpose do these backups serve?
Some more information.

When I dial 50 it plays the greeting for that extension. I can then leave a message or press * and get the main greeting where I can navigate the menus. If I leave a message the MSG light comes on and works as expected.

When I dial 49, though, I get a rapid busy. The pilot DNs are set to alternate DN 49 then an extension ID. When I dial a pilot DN I also get a rapid busy.
First check that the battery on the CPU is on(small jumper near yellow battery). After that you need to put your backup on a SD Card and put it in the SD slot on the CPU and with eManager make an initialize. Your system will reboot and apply the backup on the SD card.

On the SD Card, you must create a directory call PROGDATA and put the default.dat file in it. Default.dat is the config file created by the backup system in eManager.
Originally Posted by MarcO Qc
After that you need to put your backup on a SD Card and put it in the SD slot on the CPU and with eManager make an initialize.

Well... that's a problem then. The backup created via CIX data backup doesn't go anywhere? I've run it, but never knew where it was going. I don't know if there is an SD card. I will go open the box and take a look.
There is a jumper near the battery. There is also an SD card in the slot. But I don't have a file to copy onto it.
I guess I thought the backup saved to the SD card. When power came back on I thought it would read from the SD card and reload everything.
The backup is always sent to the SD card. If the battery is off the system should read the backup and apply it. If not and the card is in you can do a Initialize in eManager to force the CPU to read the card
It can also be a faulty battery. How old is your CTX100?
Originally Posted by MarcO Qc
The backup is always sent to the SD card. If the battery is off the system should read the backup and apply it. If not and the card is in you can do a Initialize in eManager to force the CPU to read the card

If there is NO backup on the SD, though, would this make things worse?
Originally Posted by MarcO Qc
It can also be a faulty battery. How old is your CTX100?

Three years, I think... But I seem to recall we've had issues with power failures losing data before. Maybe it's always been bad. It's connected to a UPS, but power was out for too long.
Well I exposed you how to restore your data. If it's not working you should call your vendor and have a tech onsite to do further investiations and tests.
Ok, I understand. thanks for the help
Could be bad SD card ?
The SD card problem wouldn't have cause the date and time to change
My guess at this point is that I've got 2 problems.

1) A bad battery (or maybe the jumper is in the wrong position? I'm still not clear on how it should be placed.)
2) A bad SD card or slot. I took the card out and in a PC I can see the files on it. In emanager, though, when I go to SD card where I should be able to see the backup and copy it to external or format the SD - it shows nothing. The drop down on the left that should show the files is blank. I formatted the card from that menu and it took something like 10 minutes, but said it worked. I did another backup to it which succeeded. Still can't read the card in emanager. But in the PC the backup with the proper time / date is there.
[Linked Image from]
This is the best picture I could get of the battery and jumper.
It's written on/off on the board so I suggest you take it ou and check
I thought everything was back to normal, but just got told one thing is missing. Apparently we used to be able to pick up the phone and press 9 to get the first available outside line. I didn't even know that was an option, I thought pressing one of the line buttons was the only choice we had.

I don't suppose adding the ability to press 9 for one of the CO lines is a simple thing? Just one click somewhere in emanager? That's too much to hope for, right?
What does it do now when you dial 9? By default dialing 9 will use Least Coast Routing. By default it will pickup the last line in the Outgoing line group.

As far as the SD card through emanager; the card or reader may not be bad. The likely issue is Windows firwall on the PC running eManager. Disable the firewall and try again.
When dialing 9 now, a 9 shows on the LCD but nothing seems to happen (no change in tone, no dial sound from the 9) then after a few seconds a Dial Restricted message appears and you get a rapid busy signal.

The Windows firewall on the PC with emanager is off.
Keep on dialing after the 9 and your call should go out. If you want the dial tone to be heard, you can go in eManager Under System/Flexible Access Code and replace the function on 9 by Line Group Access code dans select the right OLG (usally 1)
Originally Posted by MarcO Qc
Keep on dialing after the 9 and your call should go out. If you want the dial tone to be heard, you can go in eManager Under System/Flexible Access Code and replace the function on 9 by Line Group Access code dans select the right OLG (usally 1)

Dialing anything after the 9 causes a rapid busy signal. It was set to "LCR - to place outgoing calls using LCR", but I changed it to Line Group Access and now it works the way it used to.

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