
Patner r.4.0 processor, mostly 3.0/3.1 206 modules, CA24 at x.10, 18D at x.10, 2500s elsewhere at motel, 2x24.

System functions intermittently. Module one lghts solid, then flashes, (slowly, then rapidly) and may slip back into functionality. otjher modules and processor light steady. Replacing module one does not change this intermittent functioning. User claims that when he plugs in the p/s for tyhe CA 24 it crashes his system. I have not determined any validity to this claim. System misfunctiuons even with ext.10 unplugged.

Any ideas about what is going on? Also, if processor is kaput: is there any way to copy over the programming to the new processor?

Thanks in advance,


Thanks for your help,