Posted By: RJ45 ONS, Fax Machines, and disks for SX-200 - 07/13/04 08:48 AM
2 questions here....

I have had 2 clients who have trouble with sending and receiving faxes. The machines are programmed through an ONS port. While most clients have no problem, this is odd to see 2 who report the same thing, time-out errors, incomplete pages, or the sending side not being able to reach the fax machine. Are faxes nasty critters when it comes to running them through the PBX, or are there special considerations I should be aware of?

Second topic refers to my previous question about being able to copy the floppy disk databases from the SX-200 Light. I was pointed to the program "disk copy fast" which indeed let me copy. I was using those disks for a short while, though late last week when I made CDE changes I went to back up my database. The system read the inserted disks, gave me the "insert new disks" message, but then no matter which disks I tried I got "error initializing disks". When I went to go back to the original disks the system failed to read them with a "disk i/o error, possible database corruption" message. I have another tech coming from the source of a replacement controller cabinet I just had to replace 2 weeks ago. His company is denying the replacement cabinet is faulty, and wants to insist that trying to copy the disks with Disk Copy Fast is the culprit, that copied disks may work only for a short time. They naturally are tyring to get me to bite on $2000+ of new/official Mitel disks, but I am not so sure about that. The floppy drives are new (I replaced them in our old cabinet about a month ago, then that cabinet died and I switched those drives into the replacement cabinet). I am more suspect of the backplane of the replacement cabinet. Thoughts, gents?

I'm going to jump in here---but wait until a real Mitel tech or moderator comes in. I have some Mitel training & service several 200sx lights & ml/els etc. I don't think that you can make copies of any of those disks. I have tens of those disks (all with corrupted files on them)---& I have been told that they are absolutely NO GOOD. Been told that any disks have to come from MITEL---and that's it. New disks should cost under that $2000 figure though.
So far, I've done what I have been advised to do---and no problems...but they were not inexpensive ventures.******buuuut.....maybe I've been told wrong and you CAN make copies---but I just don't see Mitel letting people get away with that. I'll be watching what other people say about this with interest. Good Luck.
I don't think you can copy disks for the Mitel switches. I think you must get ORIGINAL disks...but $2000 seems a bit steep. Check other sources. See what the Mitel moderators & techs think though. Good Luck
Posted By: RJ45 Re: ONS, Fax Machines, and disks for SX-200 - 07/13/04 11:37 AM
We did a reset on the switch a little while ago. Interesting that when trying to boot off our original disks (mind you, they had software release info on them but do not say "Mitel" - we got the switch from 3rd party and have never had disks with a Mitel logo on them) we could not get the switch to come back up. Using the set I copied via "Disk Copy Fast" the system did come back up fully.

We're looking into paths for "proper" disks until we can do a full system upgrade.


(still curious about the ONS/fax issue....)
I'll jump in again on the ONS/fax issue. My experience has been that ANY data going through most PBXs (& for sure the digital Mitels) --by nature is going to be somewhat slow. I don't know whether or not it's going to be even 14400. So, for sure, modem traffic is going to be on the slow side, and I just wonder if some of these newer fax machines just can't handle the slow speeds because of the PBX's going from analog line signal to digital signal then back to analog. This is just a feeling that I have. I think the ONS cards were meant for VOICE---and that just spells a built in "speed limit" for data traffic. Again--wait for someone with true Mitel knowledge. Good Luck
Posted By: mpoe Re: ONS, Fax Machines, and disks for SX-200 - 07/14/04 02:37 PM
JW is right on the money, you must use Mitel disks. There are many copies made out there, but stability is in question. Also Mitels disk drive leave a lot to be desired, they seem to corrupt disks all the time.
Posted By: RJ45 Re: ONS, Fax Machines, and disks for SX-200 - 07/14/04 02:52 PM
OK, mpoe, thanks for that. I'm looking into official disks. BTW...when I replaced the drives, I dug out an old disk that was no longer readable by the Mitel. I broke it open and examined it. Major dust/debris inside, scars on the media surface, it basically looked like the drive was eating away at it. I'm lucky it didn't destroy my other disks!

Now, do you have any insight on the fax/ONS question? I may need to tell clients to run fax machines on dedicated phone lines instead of going through my switch. I don't want to do that if not necessary, though!
Posted By: mitelman Re: ONS, Fax Machines, and disks for SX-200 - 07/14/04 05:30 PM

About the disks. I do not think that the disks made with DCF are the problem. We have had some sites running for over a year with no problem. The only issue with Mitel is that technically the software belongs to them and they allow you to use it. Making a copy of the disks to use on your own PBX is no different than making a copy of your Windows CD in case your original craps out. The only way that the DCF will work is if it is made from a good set of disks. We have had some straggling sites that we have replaced drives, disks, and controllers before the problem was resolved. The biggest problem is the age and the problem will happen more and more often. The 200 Light was discontinued in 1997 and I would assume that one reason Mitel changed to the flash cards is because of the disk problem. As much as you may not want too, you may have to bite the bullet and seroiusly consider upgrading to an EL or even and ICP. You would be able to continue to use most of your sets and cards and would basically just be replacing the controller.

As for the fax problem. Are you running T1 or ISDN? If so, check and see if the span is clocking correctly and if you are getting slips. Quite often this is the cause of fax/data problems in regard to what you are describing. If you are running copper, try different ports or cards. Clocking issues can also be related to the MCC which can also cause disk I/O problems....

Posted By: RJ45 Re: ONS, Fax Machines, and disks for SX-200 - 07/15/04 10:30 AM
Thanks, Simon. I am running T1 and will look into the configs.

Yes, we've talked of system upgrades, and perhaps in the near future, but not just yet.

Thanks for the good info mitelman. I've always wondered about that. But the disks that you use--do they have to be "Mitel" disks--what about the formatting? Or can you use just any disk, like from a PC?? Like I said before, I have quite a few "Mitel" disks with corrupted data. Can I use those to copy on?? I have several customers who have only the working copy, and I get a bit nervous.
Posted By: mitelman Re: ONS, Fax Machines, and disks for SX-200 - 07/15/04 06:20 PM

We use just regular 1.44 mb disks. They do not have to be formatted any special way. The DCF program actually copies the disk sector by sector and just reads and writes what it sees. So that means you could also copy disk from other OS's as well. If you have old corrupted and scratched disks, you might as well throw them out because they are no good anymore. If you try to copy them the corruption will follow.

One thing I dread about going to a 200d/Light site is the backup. I always hold my breath when I put those disks in, regardless of whether they are copies or not. Corruption can really screw up your day!

Posted By: RJ45 Re: ONS, Fax Machines, and disks for SX-200 - 07/15/04 08:33 PM

I know what you mean!!! This will only take a minute....hours later you're slamming your head against the wall!

One thing I noticed when using DCF is that the disks I'm trying to copy give a boot sector error notice. I hit "ignore" and continue successfully, figuring these aren't boot disks, so perhaps the DCF program is seeing something that is otherwise OK, but am I wrong here?
Posted By: mitelman Re: ONS, Fax Machines, and disks for SX-200 - 07/16/04 03:54 PM
You're right you need to ignore the error when it pops up. I think it is saying that it doesn't recognise the medium because it isn't ibm compatible.
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