Posted By: Ben Ludke wiring diagram needed - 06/18/15 11:41 PM
I have recently purchased a 1a2 key telephone from eBay. the model is a Pearce pte-mlr 864 made in 1990. I am looking for any info, diagram, or a compatible diagram to rewire it. The Telephone is rotatory with a flash key and buzzer. any advice on will be the bestr.
Posted By: ChrisRR Re: wiring diagram needed - 06/19/15 12:59 AM
I can find nothing about this phone on Google. Perhaps a picture would enlighten us. If it's 1A2 it should follow the standard 1a2 wiring:
blu/wht L1 ring, wht/blu L1 tip, wht/org L1 a-lead, org/wht A1, grn/wht L1 lamp, wht/grn, L1 LG, and so on and so on. yel/slt leads are the ringer.
Posted By: ChrisRR Re: wiring diagram needed - 06/19/15 01:10 AM
I would think a diagram for a Western Electric 564 would get you close. The flash key is just a normally closed button that goes between the keystrip and the network to open the talk path momentarily. The buzzer would be wired to whichever pair you have your buzzers on, usually used for dial intercom. The buzzer is usually wired to the yel/org pair, though I've seen them on the yel/grn pair. If it has blue leads its a 10VAC buzzer, same as lamp battery. I don't remember the colors for the other voltages.
Posted By: Silversam Re: wiring diagram needed - 06/19/15 03:30 AM
Yes. Definitely a picture. Inside and out if you can.

Posted By: Arthur P. Bloom Re: wiring diagram needed - 06/20/15 02:12 AM
"Pearce pte-mlr 864" ?

Is that the correct bunch of letters (pte-mlr) stamped on the phone?

Posted By: Arthur P. Bloom Re: wiring diagram needed - 07/22/15 09:18 PM
Posted By: Professor Shadow Re: wiring diagram needed - 07/24/15 03:47 AM
Ahhh, the silent echoing crickets on a summers eve.
Posted By: Arthur P. Bloom Re: wiring diagram needed - 07/27/15 01:15 AM
A friend of mine, a true genius, has signed off on all but one of the many forums he used to visit. His encyclopedic knowledge of all things telephonic is well-known. He just can't deal with the "question -- answer -- crickets" syndrome. I am getting to that point, too. In a face-to-face conversation, you would never get such insulting behavior, so why do we put up with it just because it's the written word?
Posted By: Meyery2k Re: wiring diagram needed - 07/28/15 12:57 AM
As a user and sometimes contributor to the forums, I just want to express that many of us (the silent majority I hope), appreciate all the help we have gotten here. This forum has saved me from taking on some jobs I was obviously not a good fit for and encouraged me to take on jobs that I didn't think I could do.

Arthur, Rcaman, Newtecky, metelecom, silversam, mercenary roadie, and many others. Thank you and please don't let the boors discourage you from helping us. I do try to help, in turn, if the subject is one that I am competent in because of your examples. ~ Mike
Posted By: Dimension Seven Re: wiring diagram needed - 07/28/15 05:47 PM
I second Mr. Meyers note of appreciation above and I was hesitant to weigh in but I do have a thought.
Yes you are correct: There is no substitute for manners and etiquette. However I also see an interesting thing here. This forum almost always is the top of the google list when searching for assistance on 1A2 issues. Thats great, except for when its not because wide exposure means someone may come in, register, ask, and leave without much of a thought about sticking around. I see that all the time in one of the car groups I am on. You are the top of the list so people will come here first....
What you guys have here is a great resource with a lot of very skilled members. (Frankly I like it here better than TCI which I find a bit confusing and harder to navigate) but I think you have a challenge since this is framed as more of a professional group than a hobbyist group and the expectations are different.
I treat it like a professional group. I research my questions, if I cant find an answer I ask clear and concise questions and then respond appropriately to close the loop when responses are given. I think the challenge is that questions from "one off" hobbyists tend to be uninformed or in need of an immediate answer but not capable of timely reply.. But in my experience that seems to be the nature of the hobbyist groups. My car group I haven't been back to in about a year because I finally got tired of answering questions I had answered 50 times before, were searchable, and it was obvious people were too lazy to use the search. I also got tired of the general ridiculous behavior of some members trolling and bitching. Luckily that doesn't appear to be an issue here because of lower volume of members and the, ahem, advanced "maturity" of most of us smile
I guess what I am trying to say is that you question the behavior of the crickets response. As maddening as it is I can tell you from what I have seen in other groups its not the "worst" behavior, irritating as it may be. My personal peeve is answering a question for someone, accurately and succinctly, and then having them post a followup, without thanks, "does anyone else have an answer to this?!?!?!" that one makes me bonkers. smile
Anyway, I don't know if this helps at all. Im not trying to excuse poor communication or manners, but it is a style a lot of people consider acceptable these days.
I wish we had more discussions on here. I check every few days and always enjoy reading what has been posted even though I may not be able to contribute to the thread. Its always nice to see something new pop up that is an interesting topic or an anecdote about some historical job or one of the members projects. And yes, your, and others, assistance, is valued and appreciated. Please don't take a powder.
I cannot speak for the original poster of this thread, he may have many good reasons for not responding back but I am pretty sure lack of respect isn't the top of the list. I personally would be embarrassed if I had generated a thread like this that ruffled someone. And I too am interested to see what he has... So there's that aspect. Perhaps this traffic will make him reappear, hopefully not sheepishly, so we can continue the discussion. That would be a nice resolution. smile
Thank you all again, and I apologize for being a bit too verbose...
Posted By: podor Re: wiring diagram needed - 07/29/15 05:40 PM
I also appreciate this forum. It has helped me build my system that I enjoy using daily. I think I may have read most of the archived posts which has also been extremely helpful. Thanks again!
Posted By: ChrisRR Re: wiring diagram needed - 08/02/15 06:07 AM
I, too, want to mention that I appreciate this forum and all the help I've gotten from the members here. Even back to my first post about my ACS with the rotten battery connections... This particular category especially. I had seen 1A2 phones in use when I was a youngster and those big buttons and line lamps always fascinated me. Heck, I didn't even know it was called 1A2. In the ignorance of my youth I referred to them as (I can't believe I'm going to admit this) amphenol phones, because the name on the plugs was all I usually had to go by. This forum reignited my love for these archaic phones and when I joined, I had no clue how to put together a working 1A2 system, let alone what components I would need to accomplish this. I guess what I'm getting at is, while I am no professional -as far as phones are concerned- this forum has been a godsend, and a source of near limitless knowledge about nearly every facet of communications. I'm not crazy about the lack of response from some people, but it sadly is a fact of life on the internet. I try my best not to do that to people, and as far as getting an answer to a question I'm not crazy about, I persevere. No one likes to have their answer or solution dismissed, but at the same time, people -including myself- like to hear alternatives if they are available. I try to thank everyone who has helped me, and if I've forgotten, I am sorry. But PLEASE do not pack it in because of a few thoughtless or forgetful people. *Specifically to Arthur: You have been an incredible help to me and also an inspiration. I look forward to our conversations and enjoy them immensely. Please do not abandon the forum on account of other people's negligence. You are a great help and excellent source of information to all of us and I know you are greatly appreciated here.

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